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KIT Scientific People - Author's portrait

In order to portrait yourself and your publication in KIT Scientific People, it is necessary that you fill out the following form and send it to us. We will then get in touch with you.
Personal data
* Address

Curriculum vitae and portrait photo

Please enter your short CV here (max. 600 characters with spaces).
Portrait photo To illustrate your author questionnaire and short CV in KIT Scientific People with a portrait photo, please send it (form: preferably square, size: 100x100 pixels, data format: JPG), to, Betreff: "KIT Scientific People: Autorenfragebogen: Portraifoto".
Internet Presences and E-Mail
Hint If you have one or more personal Internet presences on the following services and you would like them to appear on your CV, please enter the complete Internet address.
Questions and comments
Consent for publication
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