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Publish & Read

KIT supports Open Access publications by KIT scientists through Publish & Read agreements.
Collage Publish & ReadKIT



General information

Publish & Read contracts (or PAR contracts) allow corresponding authors of participating institutions to publish their articles Open Access with no extra cost. Here you will find the average prices per publisher. This offer is valid for articles in hybrid journals of the relevant publishers (see information below).

Funding for these PAR contracts is provided by the acquisition budget of the KIT library. Please note that additional charges (page charges, colour charges, cover charges, fees for CC licences etc.) cannot be financed through KIT Library but have to be paid by the authors themselves.

The offer is not mandatory. Authors can decide against publishing their articles Open Access. These articles can only be accessed by members of institutions that are subscribed to the relevant journals. Please note that KIT Library will not be reimbursed for articles by authors that decide against Open Access. Please indicate your affiliation with KIT during the submission process and use your email address if possible. If you can choose between different CC licences KIT Library recommends, in accordance with the DFG, the licence type CC-BY.

Information on specific agreements

The following PAR agreements currently exist for KIT members:

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Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

Here you can find a list of all hybrid journals covered by the agreement. This agreement covers research articles, short papers, review articles, survey articles, technical notes, tutorials, interviews and notes.


Please click here for information on the submission process. Please indicate your affiliation with KIT during the submission process and use your email address if possible.


ACM offers different kinds of licences to authors during the submission process. KIT Library recommends the licences CC BY or CC BY SA. With these licences the publisher only receives non-exclusive rights of use and the authors still keep all copyrights / rights of use without restrictions – including the option of granting non-exclusive rights of use to a third party. If you choose another type of licence you might transfer the exclusive rights of use to the publisher - with a corresponding loss of rights on the authors side.

AIP Publishing

Please click here for a list of all journals covered by the agreement and here for an authors‘ guide for the submission process. Please indicate your affiliation with KIT during the submission process and use your email address if possible.


AIP Publishing offers different kinds of licences to authors during the submission process. KIT Library recommends the licences CC BY or CC BY SA. With these licences the publisher only receives non-exclusive rights of use and the authors still keep all copyrights / rights of use without restrictions – including the option of granting non-exclusive rights of use to a third party. If you choose another type of licence you might transfer the exclusive rights of use to the publisher - with a corresponding loss of rights on the authors side.

Articles in pure Open Access journals (Gold Open Access) are not included in the agreement. KIT Publication Fund can cover these fees according to the Funding Requirements. Please apply here for funding.

Cambridge University Press (CUP)

Here you can find a list of all journals covered by the agreement. Research articles, review articles, rapid communications, brief reports and case reports are included in the agreement.


Please indicate your affiliation with KIT during the submission process and use your email address if possible. Further information on the submission process is available here.


Cambridge University Press offers different kinds of licences to authors during the submission process. KIT Library recommends the licences CC BY or CC BY SA. With these licences the publisher only receives non-exclusive rights of use and the authors still keep all copyrights / rights of use without restrictions – including the option of granting non-exclusive rights of use to a third party. If you choose another type of licence you might transfer the exclusive rights of use to the publisher - with a corresponding loss of rights on the authors side.

The Electrochemical Society (ECS)

Authors affiliated with KIT (including corresponding authors and co-authors) can publish their articles Open Access without any cost to themselves in the Journal of The Electrochemical Society and ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology. The offer is not mandatory. Authors have to actively choose to publish Open Access.


Please indicate your affiliation with KIT during the submission process and use your email address if possible. Further information on the submission process is available here.


ECS offers different kinds of licences to authors during the submission process. KIT Library recommends the licences CC BY or CC BY SA. With these licences the publisher only receives non-exclusive rights of use and the authors still keep all copyrights / rights of use without restrictions – including the option of granting non-exclusive rights of use to a third party. If you choose another type of licence you might transfer the exclusive rights of use to the publisher - with a corresponding loss of rights on the authors side.

Elsevier (DEAL)

Here you can find a list of all hybrid journals covered by the agreement. In these journals KIT members have the option of publishing Open Access. Please indicate your affiliation with KIT during the submission process and use your email address if possible.


Elsevier offers different kinds of licences to authors during the submission process. KIT Library recommends the licences CC BY or CC BY SA. With these licences the publisher only receives non-exclusive rights of use and the authors still keep all copyrights / rights of use without restrictions – including the option of granting non-exclusive rights of use to a third party. If you choose another type of licence you might transfer the exclusive rights of use to the publisher - with a corresponding loss of rights on the authors side.


The second part of the agreement refers to publications in pure Open Access journals (Gold Open Access). Corresponding authors affiliated with KIT receive discounts on publication fees. KIT Publication Fund can cover these fees according to the Funding Requirements. Please apply here for funding.


Some journals have read-only access but no Open Access support.

International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE)

Here you can find a list of all journals covered by the agreement.


Please indicate your affiliation with KIT during the submission process and use your email address if possible. The SPIE Journal Submission Guide contains all relevant information on the submission process. Please pay attention to the highlighted sections in the "Open Access" section.


SPIE offers different kinds of licences to authors during the submission process. KIT Library recommends the licences CC BY or CC BY SA. With these licences the publisher only receives non-exclusive rights of use and the authors still keep all copyrights / rights of use without restrictions – including the option of granting non-exclusive rights of use to a third party. If you choose another type of licence you might transfer the exclusive rights of use to the publisher - with a corresponding loss of rights on the authors side.

IOP Publishing

Please click here for a list of all hybrid journals, and here for a list of all Gold Open Access journals covered by the agreement. All „primary research articles“ (including research papers, special issue articles, letters und review articles) are included in the agreement.


Please indicate your affiliation with KIT during the submission process and use your email address if possible.


IOP offers different kinds of licences to authors during the submission process. KIT Library recommends the licences CC BY or CC BY SA. With these licences the publisher only receives non-exclusive rights of use and the authors still keep all copyrights / rights of use without restrictions – including the option of granting non-exclusive rights of use to a third party. If you choose another type of licence you might transfer the exclusive rights of use to the publisher - with a corresponding loss of rights on the authors side.

Microbiology Society

Here you can find a list of all journals covered by the agreement.


Please indicate your affiliation with KIT during the submission process and use your email address if possible. For further information on the submission process and the journals covered by the agreement is available here.


The publisher offers different kinds of licences to authors during the submission process. KIT Library recommends the licences CC BY or CC BY SA. With these licences the publisher only receives non-exclusive rights of use and the authors still keep all copyrights / rights of use without restrictions – including the option of granting non-exclusive rights of use to a third party. If you choose another type of licence you might transfer the exclusive rights of use to the publisher - with a corresponding loss of rights on the authors side.

Nature Portfolio

Here you can find a list of all hybrid journals covered by the agreement.


Please indicate your affiliation with KIT during the submission process and use your email address if possible.


Nature offers different kinds of licences to authors during the submission process. KIT Library recommends the licences CC BY or CC BY SA. With these licences the publisher only receives non-exclusive rights of use and the authors still keep all copyrights / rights of use without restrictions – including the option of granting non-exclusive rights of use to a third party. If you choose another type of licence you might transfer the exclusive rights of use to the publisher - with a corresponding loss of rights on the authors side.

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)

Here you can find a list of all hybrid and Gold Open Access journals covered by the agreement.


Please indicate your affiliation with KIT during the submission process and use your email address if possible.


RSC offers the license CC BY to authors during the submission process. With these license the publisher only receives non-exclusive rights of use and the authors still keep all copyrights / rights of use without restrictions – including the option of granting non-exclusive rights of use to a third party. If you choose another type of licence you might transfer the exclusive rights of use to the publisher - with a corresponding loss of rights on the authors side.

SAGE Publishing

Here you can find a list of all hybrid journals covered by the agreement. The agreement covers the following article types: original research papers, review papers, brief communications, short reports and case reports.


Please indicate your affiliation with KIT during the submission process and use your email address if possible.


SAGE offers different kinds of licences to authors during the submission process. KIT Library recommends the licences CC BY or CC BY SA. With these licences the publisher only receives non-exclusive rights of use and the authors still keep all copyrights / rights of use without restrictions – including the option of granting non-exclusive rights of use to a third party. If you choose another type of licence you might transfer the exclusive rights of use to the publisher - with a corresponding loss of rights on the authors side.


The second part of the agreement refers to publications in pure Open Access journals (Gold Open Access). Corresponding authors affiliated with KIT receive discounts on publication fees. KIT Publication Fund can cover these fees according to the Funding Requirements. Please apply here for funding.

Springer (DEAL)

Here you can find a list of all hybrid journals covered by the agreement. In these journals KIT members have the option of publishing Open Access without any additional costs. Some journals have read-only access but no Open Access support.


Please indicate your affiliation with KIT during the submission process and use your email address if possible.


Springer offers different kinds of licences to authors during the submission process. KIT Library recommends the licences CC BY or CC BY SA. With these licences the publisher only receives non-exclusive rights of use and the authors still keep all copyrights / rights of use without restrictions – including the option of granting non-exclusive rights of use to a third party. If you choose another type of licence you might transfer the exclusive rights of use to the publisher - with a corresponding loss of rights on the authors side.


The second part of the agreement refers to publications in ca. 530 pure Open Access journals (Gold Open Access) from BiomedCentral BMC and SpringerOpen (including Nature Communations and Scientific Reports). Corresponding authors affiliated with KIT receive discounts on publication fees. KIT Publication Fund can cover these fees according to the Funding Requirements. Please apply here for funding.

Taylor & Francis

Here you can find a list of all hybrid journals covered by the agreement. The following articles types are included in the agreement: article, research article, review, review article, report, brief report, note, case report, essay, discussion.


Please indicate your affiliation with KIT during the submission process and use your email address if possible.


Taylor & Francis offers different kinds of licences to authors during the submission process. KIT Library recommends the licences CC BY or CC BY SA. With these licences the publisher only receives non-exclusive rights of use and the authors still keep all copyrights / rights of use without restrictions – including the option of granting non-exclusive rights of use to a third party. If you choose another type of licence you might transfer the exclusive rights of use to the publisher - with a corresponding loss of rights on the authors side.


The second part of the agreement covers publications in pure Open Access journals (Gold Open Access). Corresponding authors affiliated with KIT receive discounts on publication fees. KIT Publication Fund can cover these fees according to the Funding Requirements. Please apply here for funding.

Wiley (DEAL)

Here you can find a list of all hybrid journals covered by the agreement. In these journals KIT members have the option of publishing Open Access without any additional costs. Some journals have read-only access but no Open Access support.


Please indicate your affiliation with KIT during the submission process and use your email address if possible.


Wiley offers different kinds of licences to authors during the submission process. KIT Library recommends the licences CC BY or CC BY SA. With these licences the publisher only receives non-exclusive rights of use and the authors still keep all copyrights / rights of use without restrictions – including the option of granting non-exclusive rights of use to a third party. If you choose another type of licence you might transfer the exclusive rights of use to the publisher - with a corresponding loss of rights on the authors side.


The second part of the agreement refers to publications in pure Open Access journals (Gold Open Access). Corresponding authors affiliated with KIT receive discounts on publication fees. KIT Publication Fund can cover these fees according to the Funding Requirements. Please apply here for funding.

Contact and further information